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Live in Self Help

  • Live & Upcoming Episodes (25)

    in Motivation

    Christian and Motivational broadcast empowering people with information, biblical teaching and motivation.

  • Part 2: Close Up Radio Spotlights Shakirah Miller of JJMP Coaching & Consulting

    in Goals

    Iselin, NJ - Dr. Shakirah Miller, a seasoned educational leader with over 25 years of experience, proudly announces the launch of her new initiative, JJMP Coaching & Consulting. The firm focuses on providing transformative leadership coaching for individuals and teams across various sectors. Leveraging her extensive background as an assistant superintendent in Newark School District, Dr. Miller aims to empower leaders by facilitating impactful behavioral and team coaching sessions.
    JJMP, an acronym for “Jehovah Jireh, My Provider,” mirrors Dr. Miller’s Christian faith, emphasizing that God provides for all needs. This foundational belief sets the tone for the holistic and ethical nature of her coaching practice. “Jehovah Jireh embodies the essence of divine providence,” states Dr. Miller, “and through JJMP Coaching & Consulting, I aim to offer that same sense of support and guidance to leaders striving for excellence.”
    Recognizing the layered complexities that leaders face, from technological integration to cultural challenges within schools, Dr. Miller has consistently utilized coaching techniques to bring out the best in her colleagues.
    Behavioral coaching is another area of focus for JJMP Coaching & Consulting. Career coaching is equally pivotal in Dr. Miller’s work.
    JJMP Coaching & Consulting stands as a beacon of supportive, ethical, and transformative leadership coaching. “My faith guides me in providing authentic, compassionate support to individuals striving for their best selves,” Dr. Miller concludes.
    For more information about Dr. Shakirah Miller, please visit https://jjmpconsulting.com/


    in Motivation

    Queen Jahneen came into this lifetime with the gift of writing and has been actively engaged in doing so for decades. She is a published writer of dozens of articles and a development editor of eight published books, helping authors tell their stories. She's been in front of the mic and behind the scenes as a radio host and producer telling the stories of countless guests from artists to activists to politicians to celebrities. Her first-person narrative style helps the storyteller to truly dig deep within to find clarity in their legend. As Queen says ‘Daily we shape the narrative of our collective history’.
    What is your story? What is your expertise and background? How can you contribute to the culture and narrative in making history? She assists you in flushing out these angles of your life. Each of us have a perspective and recognizing that concept and speaking from that point of view is Queen’s specialty.  
    OUR stories are important mainly because others often distort our reality due to their lack of fully comprehending our truth. Queen over-stands the importance of creating our very own definition of who we are while we use our own language in the dialog!!
    See you on the radio

  • I AM Hope with Michele Kauffman Brain Injury: It's All In Your Head

    in Self Help

    Is it all in your head?
    No, brain injury is not "all in your head."  Brain injuries, such as concussions, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), and strokes, result from physical changes to the brain due to external forces or medical conditions.  These injuries can lead to a range of physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral symptoms.
    Often, when survivors present their symptoms we are misunderstood, not taken seriously or dismissed.  We have hundreds of stores to share!
    While some symptoms of brain injury can be related to psychological factors, the physical damage to the brain is real and can significantly impact a person's functioning.  If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of a brain injury, it's frustrating to seek medical evaluations and support from healthcare professionals to be told, "It's all in your head." 
    We can help.  Join us at Brain Network, our FREE private online platform:   community.brainnetwork.ngo  
    Call in Tuesday, October 22nd  7:00 - 9:00 PM PST  to share with others or listen on our radio show!!!

  • Part 2: Close Up Radio to Welcome Back Donna Zajonc of The Power of TED

    in Motivation

    SEATTLE, WA - When faced with challenges, many of us slip into familiar reactive roles: the helpless victim, the blaming persecutor, or the heroic rescuer. These roles form the Dreaded Drama Triangle, a destructive cycle first identified by Dr. Stephen Karpman in the 1960s. Today, Donna Zajonc champions a powerful alternative: TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic)®, a framework developed by her business partner, David Emerald, Together, David and Donna co-founded the Center for The Empowerment Dynamic, where they continue to share this transformative work.
    With almost 25 years of professional coaching experience -- and sometimes called “a coach’s coach” -- Donna leads courses designed to teach coaches, HR professionals, and leaders how to break free from the drama cycle and embrace TED*.   Instead of falling into reactive roles, TED* empowers individuals to shift into the more empowering TED* roles of Creator, Challenger, and Coach—offering a more constructive way to navigate both personal and professional challenges.
    Donna explains, “The shift to TED* is a not a quick 'one and done', rather it is a journey. It requires self-awareness and an ongoing commitment to make more empowering choices.” Her work, rooted in her book Who Do You Want to Be on the Way to What You Want, empowers coaches to help others transform their lives by embracing TED* roles.
    For more information about Donna and TED visit her website: www.powerofted.com

  • Halal Industry , Do For Self Dedicated to imam Wali Ayyub Bilal.

    in Self Help

    Join us every wednesday from 5pm-7pm EST for an addition of The Halal Industry Do For Self with your host Imam Wali Bilal President, Founder and CEOof Bilal's Inc, and co-host James Bashir and Nate Muhammad.                                                               Live audience call in to the studio at (515) 605- 9891 or ( 425) 292- 4253. Listen at AM360.org and by 24 hour streaming at (701) 719 - 4197.Share comments at info@CWSC.us. Tweet us at CWSCShuraa. Visit our parent company, Community Wide Shuraa Conference at CWSC.us,or leave a listener comment at (910 ) 317- 0297.Together we can remake the world

  • Processing the Pain

    in Motivation

    Join Coach D weekly, as she bring Practical Principles unto Perception based on the Word of God.  

  • Family Circle Prayer Time - Is Your Heavy Load Lifting You Up In The Air?

    in Relationships

    Eloquently Speakiing I want to let you in on secret okay?  The enemy wants to keep you suspended in the air because he knows that as long as you are bogged down with the cares of this word, that you will never touch the ground to run the race that God has giving you to run! A race that you have already won but dig this right here...are the race isn't given to the swift but to those that endure to the end. And as usual, I have a question for you okay?
    Hebrews 12:1-3, Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of [a]witnesses [who by faith have testified to the truth of God’s absolute faithfulness], stripping off every unnecessary weight and the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us, let us run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us, 2 [looking away from all that will distract us and] focusing our eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecter of faith [the first incentive for our belief and the One who brings our faith to maturity], who for the joy [of accomplishing the goal] set before Him endured the cross, [b]disregarding the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God [revealing His deity, His authority, and the completion of His work]. 3 Just consider and meditate on Him who endured from sinners such bitter hostility against Himself [consider it all in comparison with your trials], so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

  • LIVE NEW INTERVIEW: Nicole Marie interviews physicist Tom Campbell!!

    in Self Help

    LIVE NEW INTERVIEW: Nicole Marie interviews physicist Tom Campbell!!  


    in Motivation

    Our esteemed guest tonight, Tommie Thompson, is extremely multi-talented, as a BROADWAY ACTOR, SINGER & DANCER.  He has a storehouse filled with unlimited wisdom in holistic healing, a true server to people and many other gifts. He is extremely intuitive as he listens with a very discerning ear as he chats with others.
    Tommie is very sensitive to words and how they impact a person with regard to the outcomes in their life as well as how they feel. Our words are powerful Tommie will explain with a passion to help you perhaps choose a different word to express your thoughts!
    Come join the open discussion, allow your voice to be heard.
    Tune in and learn as well, be encouraged to add your voice.
    See you on the radio

  • Halal Industry , Do For Self Dedicated to imam Wali Ayyub Bilal.

    in Self Help

    Join us every wednesday from 5pm-7pm EST for an addition of The Halal Industry Do For Self with your host Imam Wali Bilal President, Founder and CEOof Bilal's Inc, and co-host James Bashir and Nate Muhammad.                                                               Live audience call in to the studio at (515) 605- 9891 or ( 425) 292- 4253. Listen at AM360.org and by 24 hour streaming at (701) 719 - 4197.Share comments at info@CWSC.us. Tweet us at CWSCShuraa. Visit our parent company, Community Wide Shuraa Conference at CWSC.us,or leave a listener comment at (910 ) 317- 0297.Together we can remake the world